P90X – Week 4 Again

It’s that time once again. Time to update my progress in the P90X review.
In the last installment I mentioned that I dropped the ball with crazy life stuff. I resolved to pick up where I left off this week. And that’s just what I did, this is week number 4, the last week of phase 1 of 3.
The first three weeks are intense combinations of resistance training mixed with cardio and stretching type workouts. The fourth week is basically a decompression time. Workouts still consist just of the cardio and stretching components, i.e. kickboxing, yoga, etc.
Time is very short for me at the moment because of work. While I managed to get the sessions in, each had to be shortened. Yoga is 90 minutes long. In my opinion, that’s too much, so I had to cut it back to about 45 minutes.
This weeks DVD review is the kickboxing workout, titled Kenpo-X. Essentially this is the P90X version of Taebo.
Repetitions of various combinations of punches make up the first part. Tony Horton starts it off with some simple body movements. Then works in combinations of jabs, crosses, hooks, and uppercuts.
Next we move on to kicks. Front kicks, side kicks, and back kicks. Once you have these down, you’ll do a couple of combinations of kicks.
The third section is all about blocking. Here you will do high, inside, outside, and low blocks. Of course, these are followed by a crazy combination using all of them. If you have trouble chewing gum and walking, this part could be tricky.
The last part of the session uses elbow strikes. As you can probably guess, strikes from different directions are in order. Up, in, and out, followed by the combos.
Due to my past martial arts training, this is one of my favorite workouts. I may not be able to kick as high as I was, but the action of doing the work is a blast.
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August 29, 2010 at 3:26 am
thanks for the information
August 31, 2010 at 2:20 pm
Dude, you are seriously hard core.
August 31, 2010 at 2:25 pm
Hard core… not lately. Been too damn busy to be hard core.